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Imposter Syndrome Defined And Symptoms


You really need to understand imposter syndrome so that you can confirm whether you are experiencing it or not. Everyone feels like an imposter sometimes and this is pretty natural. In this article, we will provide a definition of imposter syndrome and discuss some of the most common symptoms.

What exactly is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is where you are regularly experiencing thoughts and feelings that you are a fraud. Please note the word “regularly” here. Experiencing these thoughts now and again is not imposter syndrome. 

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A person that experiences imposter syndrome will believe that they do not deserve to be where they are. This can be in a specific job position and even owning a business. Imposter syndrome can also arise in your personal life. You may feel that you do not deserve your spouse or your family for example.

When you experience imposter syndrome you are going to feel a lot more anxious than usual. You can become terrified that you will be found out as an imposter and that the consequences will be dire. Some people that suffer from imposter syndrome feel like their whole world is imploding.

There is a link to your Emotions with Imposter Syndrome

If you are experiencing imposter syndrome then this will make you feel lousy. It will change your state of mind and you can experience all kinds of negative emotions. Feeling like a fraud all of the time is not going to be pleasant.

Imposter Syndrome is always likely

The truth is that there are many people that are experiencing imposter syndrome right now. Experts predict that as many as 70% of the population will suffer from imposter syndrome at one point in their life. It is possible to experience it more than once.


Self-Doubt caused by Imposter Syndrome

One of the most common symptoms with imposter syndrome is an increase in self-doubt. If you have noticed that your self-esteem has really tanked recently, this could be due to thinking that you are an imposter.

Perfectionist Tendencies

A lot of people that experience imposter syndrome start to develop perfectionist tendencies. The reason for this is likely to be that they feel they need to do everything perfectly to prove to others that they are not an imposter. Perfectionism has a lot of drawbacks. Nobody and nothing in life is perfect.

Perform better than Others

Another symptom of imposter syndrome is the desire to always perform better than other people. Again, we believe that the rationale behind this is the need to prove that you are not a fraud. People suffering from imposter syndrome often work a lot harder than others to ensure that they are seen to be the top performer.

Imposter Syndrome can result in Self-Sabotage

People that regularly experience feelings of being an imposter are more prone to self-sabotage. They may be progressing really well and then suddenly do something to undo all of their good work. The reason for this is that they probably have a self-confidence crisis and think that they are not good enough.

Unable to accept Compliments

If you are experiencing imposter syndrome you may find it tough to accept compliments from others. You do not feel like you are worthy, so any compliments received can be ignored because you believe that people are just feeling sorry for you.
